Free Company Data Product
What is it?
The Free Company Data Product is a downloadable data snapshot containing basic company data of live companies on the register. This snapshot is provided as ZIP files containing data in CSV format and is split into multiple files for ease of downloading.
This snapshot is provided free of charge and will not be supported.
When will it be updated?
The latest snapshot will be updated within 5 working days of the previous month end.
Additional Information
The contents of the snapshot have been compiled up to the end of the previous month.
A list of the data fields contained in the snapshot can be found here PDF.
Up-to-date company information can be obtained by following the URI links in the data. More details on URIs
If files are viewed with Microsoft Excel, it is recommended that you use version 2007 or later.
How to download Company data
Either download the Company data as one large file or as smaller multiple files (for ease of downloading).
Company data as one file:
Company data as multiple files:
- (69Mb)
- (70Mb)
- (70Mb)
- (70Mb)
- (70Mb)
- (70Mb)
- (43Mb)